Maintaining that Roof and Fixing Leaks
It is rainy season in Kigali and yes, your house might look great, but there’s always a chance of a leaking roof, only showing up during heavy rains.
Iron sheet roofs are more susceptible to roof leakagages, as nails always leave gaps and after a while, the gaps become bigger.
When you realize find out that your roof leaks, get a professional to look at it early before it gets out of hand. It would usually be a simple fix with silicon or simply fixing the gaps, but if not attended to on time, the water can cause great damage to the roof structure, especially if you used wooden trusses, and the ceilings, which in most cases in Rwanda, are made of wood or gypsum boards.
While you are at it, remember to keep warm! A good house needs a healthy occupant.
Stay safe
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