Plot of land in Rusororo, Kigali-Rwanda. The area is designated for residential buildings and it would be a good place to relocated as a family.
Flat land located in a peaceful neighborhood, with maximum security, neighboring beautiful houses and has access to water and electricity.
Total Size: 350 meter squares
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Rukumbuzi Blaise
- Office : +250 793 226 652
Blaise has vast experience in real estate sales and rentals.
Read MorePlot of land in Rusororo
Property IDRusororo, Kabuga, Rwanda
Plot of land in Rusororo, Kigali-Rwanda. The area is designated for residential buildings and it would be a good place to relocated as a family.
Flat land located in a peaceful neighborhood, with maximum security, neighboring beautiful houses and has access to water and electricity.
Total Size: 350 meter squares
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- See all Land and Plots
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Rukumbuzi Blaise
- Office : +250 793 226 652
Blaise has vast experience in real estate sales and rentals.