Apartment for rent in Kigali city center. Located in the main CBD, with quick access to shops, banks etc..
1 bedroom, 1 bathrooms, living room and dining area as well as an open kitchen with cabinetry. Furnished and ready to move in.
The apartment is in a house complex with 3 others, sharing a parking lot. Has a nice porch to sit outside.
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Lutwama Peter
- Office : +250 793 226 652
- Mobile : +250 788 411 423
Peter has vast experience in real estate and will be happy to meet you and advise on all matters concerning properties in Rwanda.
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Apartment for rent in city center
Property IDNyarugenge, Kigali, Rwanda

Apartment for rent in Kigali city center. Located in the main CBD, with quick access to shops, banks etc..
1 bedroom, 1 bathrooms, living room and dining area as well as an open kitchen with cabinetry. Furnished and ready to move in.
The apartment is in a house complex with 3 others, sharing a parking lot. Has a nice porch to sit outside.
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- Inbuilt Wardrobes
- Pay TV Access
- Porch
- Reserve Water Tank
- Tarmac road access

Lutwama Peter
- Office : +250 793 226 652
- Mobile : +250 788 411 423
Peter has vast experience in real estate and will be happy to meet you and advise on all matters concerning properties in Rwanda.